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Inexpensive Trip To Bogor

                Hello readers! Alhamdulillah finally i’ve been through the 5th semester. Such a hectic semester so far, so many assignment, more colorful activities, more laugh, more tears, more pressure, more dreams to be chase, but after all that’s college life that must  be run that way.

                Btw in this holiday--- can i call it my last real holiday in college? Cuz next semester i have to do KKM and Magang and of course Skripsi--- i want to do some things that i can’t do when im in a busy college day. I have planned some cool activities to be done in this holiday and one of them already done several days ago.

                On Monday, 23rd January, Puput, Firda, Lia, and I went to Ciledug, to our friend house, Riska, to spend one night there before going to Bogor. We stopped at Tangerang City Mall in Tangerang then Riska picked us up and then we headed to her house. We planned for tomorrow’s trip.

                Tuesday morning, 24th January, we shocked about the information in our class Line group, Lia’s assignment is missing. We can not go if one of us still in a trouble, so we helped her first to find her assignment file which is still in her laptop--- of course she wasn’t bring her laptop. So we try to find it by calling some of our friends who might still have Lia’s assignment in their storage device, and yeah, none of them still have Lia’s things so she must make another one and send it to our lecture before the time is over. We went to Bogor at 9 am. First, we took an angkot to the Sudimara train station and took a KRL to Tanah Abang station and transit to Bogor station. When we touched Bogor land, we ate Soto Mi, the most popular authentic specialty from Bogor beside Talas Bogor. That was my first time eating Soto Mi and yaaa it tastes good. Actually i can find that dish in Serang but eating Soto Mi for the first time in Bogor gives such a different sensation hehe. After that, we went to Kebon Raya by angkot and find a place to stay for a day.

                Such an amazing yet exhausting trip. First, we find a guest house, it is quite cheap, but it there’s no room for five. We don’t want to sleep in different room. We tried talking to the reception but still we must pay for two rooms. Not giving up just because of that, we try to find another place. I was told to my friend that there must be a place around Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) that can be rented for a night. So we walked through the narrow street where there are some Rumah Kost for student. And finally we met a woman, she is a house keeper yet a calo kost-an haha i can see it from her appearence. And she brought us to the nearest available rumah kost for us to stay and it is only Rp. 100.000,00 for a night haha.

This is it! Our place to stay tonight!

                We took a rest and went to Kebun Raya Bogor. The ticket is only Rp. 14.000,00. That was my first time going to Kebun Raya Bogor. It is so vast. We can’t walk around it just in a day, maybe i can spend 3 days just to walk around the Kebun Raya Bogor.

                Kebun Raya Bogor is such a nice place to visit among our busy days to keep our mind sane. This place is so beautiful, scenic, and tranquil. Maybe this place will be crowded in weekend or holiday season. Im so lucky visiting that place on Monday afternoon, there were few people but it was quite deserted.

Me, Riska, Puput, Firda, Lia.

                After that we went to Botani Square just to pray (only the plan), but we can not resist to eat sushi in a Japanese restaurant. My friend want to watch a movie there haaah we are backpacking now, we can’t just sit and watch a movie in a theater duuuh. Thanks god, we missed the film we want to watch, so we can go out of the mall and search for a nice and cozy cafe. But we can’t find the cafe that a woman on a street showed us. We were so tired for walking for almost 2 kilometers, and drop in a supermarket, kind of Chinese store where we can find imported foods and beverages from China, Japan, Thailand, etc then we continued walking, till we finally arrived at our Rumah Kost.

               Wednesday morning, 25 January, at 6 am we leave the Rumah Kost, went to Sentul by Trans Pakuan. It was too early haha Pasar Ah Poong still closed. But the security permitted us to get in there. The restaurant and canteens were still close but we still can took some pictures there. The place is quite beautiful, i can imagine if it is already open, the river might be full of boat of the food seller, the canteens might be open and busy, and suddenly i can feel the bustling atmosphere there.

Pasar Ah Poong, Sentul-Bogor.

                We continued walking at the bus stop and going to Botani Square to buy souvenirs at the Jumbo (Jumpa Bogor) store after having a breakfast near that store. I myself bought a Bolu Talas, Mochi Durian, and Bajigur instan. And we headed to Bogor station by angkot, and going to Tangerang by KRL (transit first in Duri station and ended in Tanah Tinggi station) then we walked several meters till the intersection to get a bus to Serang.

                Alhamdulillah i arrived in my house at 2 pm. That was my first really-exhausting-trip to Bogor. And it was with my friends. Thankyou so much girls, because of you all i can feel the sensation of backpacking, rent a room for a night with you all, strolling around the Kebun Raya Bogor for the first time, took some photos in Pasar Ah Poong while it is still closed.

                Someday we must backpacking again to another beautiful place, ok!

                Btw, i fall in love with Bogor City. Bogor is such a beautiful place to live. The surroundings of Kebun Raya Bogor is so nice, the cold weather, the chilly region, i wasn’t feel like very tired and want to go home immediately even though i already take a walk for some kilometers under the big trees on the sidewalk. I enjoyed walking through Lodaya street and see a very neat city of Bogor.

                Hopefully i can go back there again someday for more amazing trip.

                See you on my next post!


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