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Do Not Rape Our National Heritages!

Today we can hear so many news on television about our national heritage which are stolen by other country.  We can search on google with the keyword “mencuri kebudayaan” and there are more than a million result in less than a second. It proved that there were bunch of people find the information about it. What kind of national heritage which is stolen by that country? Why are they steal our national heritages? And how to solve this case?

Our national heritages is not only tangible heritages like Candi Borobudur or Taman Nasional Komodo, but we also have so many Intangible cultural heritages which is manifested through these points below:

1. Oral traditions and expressions (including Language).
e.g., Bahasa Jawa, Bahasa Sunda, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Madura, Bahasa Padang, etcetera.

2. Performing arts (such as traditional music, dance and theatre)
e.g., Gamelan (from Center Java, East Java and Bali), Tari Pendet (from Bali), Lenong (from Jakarta, Indonesia), etcetera.

3. Social practices, rituals and festive events
e.g., Ngaben, Siraman, etcetera.

4. Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
e.g., Memproduksi, mendistribusi dan mengkonsumsi Jamu (traditional herbal medicine), etcetera.

5. Knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts
e.g., Menganyam, Menenun, Membatik, etcetera.

Source: google

Based on the information that i get, there are so many Indonesian intangible heritages were stolen by another country. Reog Ponorogo (traditional theater from East Java), Angklung (traditional music instrument from West Java), Pendet (traditional dance from Bali), Kuda Lumping (Traditional dance from Java), Keris (traditional weapon from Java), Rasa Sayange (folk song from Maluku) are just a few examples of our tangible heritages that are stolen by another country.

I myself do not know the reason why they steal our national heritages. Some of my friends said that it is because of that country is just envy with our country which is rich in culture. I just do not care about the reason why they rape our cultural heritages arbitrarily. For me, it is just our fault. Why are we not protect our culture? Why are we not promote our culture to the world? Why are we not registered all of our heritages to UNESCO?

To solve this serious case, we should do this steps:

1. We must know our country, our history, our culture, and our national heritages. 
2. We must love it. If we do not love it, we will never have a passion to protect it.
3. Protect it and preserve it!
4. Promote it!
5. Patent it!
6. Be proud of it.

And for other countries, please do not rape our national heritages.

A respectable country is a country that respect other countries in every aspect.


  1. walla..


    so, i think we must protect our regional culture by ourself first! that's the most real action! than we can protect our national culture..

    1. iya, kita emang harus mulai dari yang deket deket dulu baru seluruh Indonesia

  2. mau komen sih, tapi gak menger. hehehe. Kayaknya au butuh kursus bahasa nih.

    jangan lupa mampir juga gang di blog aku

    1. padahal bahasa inggris aku juga bukan kayak bahasa artikel wikipedia -_- ini juga kata-katanya sederhana kok.

  3. waduh bhs inggris ... #KetauanGakBisaBhsInggris
    tp apa pun itu pasti isinya positif dan ...

  4. kayaknya ngga cocok deh BAHASA PADANG,
    karena padang itu KOTA

    cocoknya BAHASA MINANG :D

  5. as Indonesian,, we should be proud with Indonesia Culture... and we hope in the future, there is no other country who will be claimed our culture.... :)

    1. "indonesia culture" should be Indonesian culture" "no other country who will be claimed our culture" should be "that will claim our culture" sekalian belajar :D

      amin... itu tergantung gimana kita melindungi budaya kita.

  6. Nice steps by the way... :D
    I absolutely agree that the only way to protect our cultures is to love it even more and give our all to conserve it... ( >__O)b

    Sorry for my bad english
    *when I see you smile, I can face the world... oooh~ #outoffocus

    1. thankyou. iya, kalau dimulai dengan cinta pasti jadi ikhlas dan kalau ikhlas pasti ada jalannya.

      no, it's absolutely right.

  7. start from ourselves to protecting and preserving the indigenous culture of Indonesia

  8. heem emang bener, makanya kok yang koment di blogku kebanyakan tidak tahu mengenai Tari remo adalah budaya Jawa timuran. Eh justru Reog Ponorogo yang terkenal. ini PR paling sulit untuk Pemprov Jatim untuk budayakan kembali budaya yang tenggelam.

    koment bahasa Indonesia yah, aku tdk bisa merangkai kt bahasa Inggris.

    1. aku tahu kok tari remo dari jawa timur, aku kan orang jawa timur. bukan cuma PR untuk pemerintah tapi juga PR untuk kita.

      no problem, aku juga gak jago bahasa inggris kok :)

  9. sebagai pemuda, gue merasa gagal dalam berbahasa.

    1. belajar lagi. masih belum terlambat kok. seandainya umur udah ketuaan juga tetep harus belajar, karena lebih baik terlambat daripada gak sama sekali.

  10. wow, I'm very intrst with your post.
    we are as Blogger, what can we do for protect our traditional art or other art from Indonesia??

    Maaf kalo belepotan, masih belajar mbak..
    nice post :D

    1. gak apa-apa aku juga masih kayak begitu.
      thank you...

  11. So this is the third post that interesting, what is the interesting point ? Yes the "language" you use english right ? And your article is excellent.

    I give you award for this article, Congratulation ! for :

    The 3rd Blog for 3rd Blogger Shout Out Campaign which "Berbeda tapi Tak Sama"

    1. thank you...
      jadi beda itu emang seru!! #antimainstream

  12. huaaaaaaaaa... we have same opinion..
    why we just can to judge? why are we dont try to protect them? why dont we immediete to register our culture to UNESCO? why we just can watch and sit? hahaa.. we need to look ourself ..

    and I loooveee this articel. You use english languange, so I know you try to make all the people in this world to understand what's ur opinion.. goodd..

    1. iya mending langsung action daripada ngoceh gak karuan.

      yes, i want the world understand what's on my mind. beside, i want to be different from the other BSO members.

  13. kereeeeen banget. you're so cool girl!!
    this is first time i know bloggers shout out project written in english!

    if not us, so who??

    we must proud be Indonesian, love our cultures, protect these, promote these and patend these! :D

    1. thank you...
      so im the first BSO member who write the campaign project in english.

  14. kalau lihat blog2 BSO kemaren rasanya saya merasa jadi orang apatis :(

  15. Mantap sob. Kunjungan perdana nih. Salam kenal ya.

  16. waqh keren ya, nice post,,,, cinta indonesia

  17. love this country, love this blog... .!

  18. Kunjungan perdana :)
    Blognya bagus.

    Baca postingan ini semakin cinta sama Indonesia ^^

  19. Small things for big impact dear, wow, anyway nice blog :D
    Salam solid

  20. Actually Indonesia has a lot of culture, but the act of government are too slow to register our culture in UNESCO. Because of that, another country try to steal our culture.

    we must keep our culture. :D

    Salam solid.

  21. weiii pake bahasa inggris nih, komentarnya mesti pake bahasa inggris gak?
    berhubung gue gak bisa inggris pake bahasa jawa aja ya komentarya? #okesip #eh

    Wah Mari beramai-ramai menerapkan langkah no1-6 demi Indonesia tercinta :D


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