Jumat, 11 Juni 2021 adalah hari seminar proposal tesisku. Akhirnya setelah proses yang yaaa gak sesulit yang bisa kubayangkan, aku bisa menyelesaikan proposalku. Aku tahu ini baru setengah jalan hingga mencapai kelulusan, tapi semua usaha memang patut diapresiasi kan?
Sedikit cerita, actually this past year, until today has been a struggle, not that I have such hard and busy day at the office and campus like I don’t have enough time for myself. No. Im not in a hustle and bustle culture, I just life in a small city, my office not that far from my home, I do fully online class until this day, but still im struggling. And by that, Im so grateful and little bit wow myself because I do my college well enough, I did my proposal seminar well enough, and when I look back, it’s hard to even believe I can do these things, while at these nights I usually overthink over almost everything, and even cry. So, I don’t know what should I call this, is this mean that im strong or im weak? I don’t know. But I hope this pass soon.
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Foto untuk kenang-kenangan. Selfie setelah seminar proposal. Jumat, 11 Juni 2021. |
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