Porn site. What is porn site? I bet everybody who read this know what porn site is. Well for you (kids) who do not know what porn site is, here I give you the explanation about it; Porn site is a site which is containing a bunch of inappropriate pictures and videos to fulfill the people (men or women) sex needs. So if men or women need to satisfy their eyes, brain and also their passion for doing sex but they do not have a partner to do it, they will open that site so that they can be masturbating and finally their sex needs is fulfilled. For me, porn site brings more negative effects than the positive effects, especially for children and teenagers.
The first negative effect is porn site can make people who visit that site become an addict. Because they can get the satisfication faster than people who fulfill their sex need by doing a healthy sex with their partner (marriage couple). Why they can get the satisfication faster? It is because of those porn sites are easy to accessed by everyone including children underage.
Second, porn site can demage our brain. According to a steatment from a neurosurgeon from San Antonio Hospital, America, Donald L. Hilton Jr, MD in a seminar about the effect of pornography towards the brain in Jakarta, the addiction can makes the part of the brain which is called Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) shrink physically. He said that the pornography can cause the neurotransmitter constantly transforms and weaken the control function. And it can cause the people who already addicted with porn site will be difficult to control themselves to not open those porn site. Hilton also said that the addiction to the pornography can destroy our memories. It does not happen quickly in a short time but it will happen when people already through some stages i.e; impulsive action, the enhancement of addiction and the decline of behaviour.
Third, it can makes children who access the porn site growing old faster than children who do not access it. It is because of porn site serves some materials which are needed by people who already "mature". So if children access the porn site, their point of view will be changed.
The last is porn site can makes children who access it ejaculating earlier. According to an article in, one of the factors which can cause premature ejaculation is too often masturbating. And when it happen to a man, actually it can makes him low confidence and it can break his sexual relationship.
Okay, we can conclude that porn site brings more negative effects than the positive effects. So for children underage please do not ever try to open that site because it can lead you to something bad. You do not want to ejaculating earlier, are not you?
n.b: tolong bantu koreksi ya! karena membuatnya tergesa-gesa jadi grammar-nya acak-acakan. thank you.
kalo ngoreksi grammarnya, ane gak jago, tapi bahasa Inggrisnya mudah difahami kok -gatau deh kalo anak2 :P-
ReplyDeletenah lho, kasian anak2 Indonesia yang gak terlalu faham.. padahal anak2lah yang paling sering jadi sasaran Pornografer
eniwei, salam solid!
kita kerahkan soliditas dan berteriak lantang melawan kejahatan!! B)
iya lah mudah dipahami lagian vocab-nya juga masih yang sederhana, gak kayak yang dipake di wikipedia.
Deletehehehe iya sih, tapi gue cuma pengen ngelatih diri gue sendiri buat nulis essay, beside ini bukan cuma untuk anak-anak indonesia tapi juga dunia jadi gue milih bahasa yang emang udah go int'l.
tapi next time insyaallah deh pake bahasa indonesia. sejauh ini sih kampanye-kampanye gue bahasanya selang-seling, bahasa-english-bahasa-english.
salam solid juga!
setuju, kalau anak-anak lebih cepat dewasa juga gak bagus.
ReplyDeletesalam solid dan salam amburadul
iya serem juga sih liat anak-anak zaman sekarang moralnya turun cuma gara-gara pornografi.
Deletesalam solid!
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