A Little Update and Seminar Hasil Tesis
Alhamdulillah life has been a roller coaster these past months. Balancing working and studying at university really is tough, but He always gives me the power to get it thru.
Sudah hampir satu tahun aku gak bercerita di sini, secara fisik dan mental sehat, fisik sehat seperti biasanya walaupun semakin jarang olahraga, tapi mental sudah sangat membaik sejak terakhir aku update cerita di sini. Akhir tahun 2021 ada beberapa cerita cukup menarik dan menjadi titik balik pemulihan kondisi mentalku. I finally told my parents about everything that bother me, what i think, and feel that making me being in that state, you know, mentally not well. And i felt relief, maybe im not healed completely yet (if there’s someone who can be completely healed), but im better now. I read many books these past monts, baked some cookies for Lebaran, and watched some movies and series happily.
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Selfie setelah seminar hasil. Jumat, 1 April 2022. |
Jumat, 1 April 2022 akhirnya aku melaksanakan Seminar Hasil Tesis setelah lama sekali gak bimbingan sampai akhirnya aku kebut di bulan Maret 2022. Bulan ini aku akan melaksanakan Sidang Akhir (Iya, kampusku melaksanakan 3 kali seminar), wish me tons of luck.
Oke, itu aja. See you on my next post.
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